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"Celebration"36x36 Assembly of recycled water bottles | "Celebration"Detail | "It's a Party"36 inch diameter Assembly of recycled water bottles |
"It's a Party"Detail | "Dark Fire"28x40 Assembly of recycled water bottles | "Dark Fire"Detail |
"Vertical Rainbow"A 15 foot high Assembly of recycled water bottles | "Amazing Grays"Detail | "The Katz Meow"22x45 Assembly of recycled water bottles |
"The Katz Meow"Detail | "Four Nines"Painted and pearlized water bottles | MAChination #1 |
MAChination #2 | "Triple Play"28x70 Assembly of recycled water bottles constructed in three abutting pieces | Dining Room Application40x120 Assembly of recycled water bottles |
"Triple Play"Detail | "Greenooli"36 inch diameter Assembly of recycled water bottles | "Greenooli"Detail |
"Vertical Rainbow"at home.... |
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